About us
Cooperativa Agrícola dos Olivicultores de Vila Flor e Ansiães, C.R.L. (Agricultural Cooperative of Olive Growers from Vila Flor and Ansiães) was founded in 1998 to meet the need for a restructuring in the region’s sector, appearing as a modern unit able to support olive growers from Vila Flor, Carrazeda de Ansiães and neighbouring municipalities. It was a result of the division of the Agricultural Cooperative of Vila Flor, incorporating the olive growing division only, starting its activity in 2000.
Since then, it has been reinforcing its position in the market, based on its quality, which is a result of the team’s technical knowledge and hard work. It is also a result of the quality of the olives, originating from our members’ olive groves, a combination of years of experience and the location in the Transmontana region, which provides unique conditions for olive growing. Located in Vila Flor, the social area of its Industrial Zone II covers the municipalities of Vila Flor and Carrazeda de Ansiães and some communities of the municipalities of Mirandela, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Alfândega da Fé, Torre de Moncorvo, Murça, Alijó, São João da Pesqueira and Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Currently it has around 700 active members.
The Cooperative aims to develop the production, harvesting, reception and transformation of olives, extraction, storage, packaging and sale of olive oil and its sub products. It operates under three different sections: Production Section, Olive Oil Extraction Section (Olive Oil Mill) and Sales Section. Alternatively, the Cooperative may engage in other activities, if necessary to meet the needs of its members.
Since then, it has been reinforcing its position in the market, based on its quality, which is a result of the team’s technical knowledge and hard work. It is also a result of the quality of the olives, originating from our members’ olive groves, a combination of years of experience and the location in the Transmontana region, which provides unique conditions for olive growing. Located in Vila Flor, the social area of its Industrial Zone II covers the municipalities of Vila Flor and Carrazeda de Ansiães and some communities of the municipalities of Mirandela, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Alfândega da Fé, Torre de Moncorvo, Murça, Alijó, São João da Pesqueira and Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Currently it has around 700 active members.
The Cooperative aims to develop the production, harvesting, reception and transformation of olives, extraction, storage, packaging and sale of olive oil and its sub products. It operates under three different sections: Production Section, Olive Oil Extraction Section (Olive Oil Mill) and Sales Section. Alternatively, the Cooperative may engage in other activities, if necessary to meet the needs of its members.
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Denomination and Object
Denominated Cooperativa Agrícola dos Olivicultores de Vila Flor e Ansiães is a limited responsibility cooperative (C.R.L.). It is of unlimited duration after its constitution and it is domiciled in the municipality of Vila Flor. Its social area covers the municipalities of Vila Flor and Carrazeda de Ansiães and some communities of the municipalities of Mirandela, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Alfândega da Fé, Torre de Moncorvo, Murça, Alijó, São João da Pesqueira and Vila Nova de Foz Côa. |
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The Cooperative aims to develop the production, harvesting, reception and transformation of olives, extraction, storage, packing and sale of olive oil and its sub products. It operates under three different sections: Production Section, Olive Oil Extraction Section (Olive Oil Mill) and Sales Section. Alternatively, the Cooperative may engage in other activities, if necessary to meet the needs of its members.
Social Capital
The Cooperative’s social capital is variable and unlimited, of a minimum amount of fifty thousand Euros, being the initial amount six hundred seventy three thousand, nine hundred and twenty six Euros. It is represented by equity securities of twenty five Euros.
The minimum entry for each member cannot be less than four securities. For each subscribed security, at least 50% of its value should be paid upon registration. The remaining must be paid within 5 years.
Members are required to pay an admission fee of a minimum of fifty Euros, intended for a mandatory reserve provided for in the statutes.
Individuals or collective persons who produce olives and who pay the required minimum capital at the time of admission may become members. No member may be a member of another cooperative of olive growers with similar operations and of the same nature. Those with direct interests in olive cultivation and in the olive sector which may affect the cooperative activity may not become members.
Admission as a member shall be made by means of a proposal submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, signed by two members and by the proposed one, and shall be resolved at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors within thirty days, the interested party being informed of the decision in writing. Refusal of admission can be appealed to the General Assembly, to be filed within fifteen days from the date of the communication, and is reviewed by the General Assembly at the first following meeting.
The resolution of the General Assembly regarding admission appeals is sovereign and of immediate application. The rights and obligations of the members are not automatically transferable to the heirs.
O não cumprimento por parte do cooperador das obrigações assumidas não os dispensa do pagamento da percentagem dos encargos fixos e das despesas gerias que eram correspondentes á atividade normal a que se vinculou no ato da admissão. Failure by the member to comply with the obligations assumed shall not exempt them from payment of the percentage of fixed costs and of the general expenses corresponding to the normal activity to which they were bound at the time of admission. Members may request the resignation by means of a letter addressed to the Board of Directors at the end of each fiscal year, with thirty days notice and without prejudice to the fulfilment of their obligations as a member of the Cooperative. The General Assembly may set constraints, however, if accepted, the value of the capital equity paid will be refunded within five years, plus interest due in relation to the last fiscal year, plus the share of the surplus and non-compulsory reserves in proportion to their participation, or reduced, where appropriate, in proportion to the losses accrued in the balance sheet for the year in which the right to reimbursement arose.
Members who seriously and culpably violate the duties provided for in the statutes may be excluded. Infractions that do not entail exclusion can be punished by the Board of Directors with a written reprimand, fine and temporary suspension of duties for a given period.
The Statutes are available at CAOVA's headquarters for all members and can be requested there.
Social Capital
The Cooperative’s social capital is variable and unlimited, of a minimum amount of fifty thousand Euros, being the initial amount six hundred seventy three thousand, nine hundred and twenty six Euros. It is represented by equity securities of twenty five Euros.
The minimum entry for each member cannot be less than four securities. For each subscribed security, at least 50% of its value should be paid upon registration. The remaining must be paid within 5 years.
Members are required to pay an admission fee of a minimum of fifty Euros, intended for a mandatory reserve provided for in the statutes.
Individuals or collective persons who produce olives and who pay the required minimum capital at the time of admission may become members. No member may be a member of another cooperative of olive growers with similar operations and of the same nature. Those with direct interests in olive cultivation and in the olive sector which may affect the cooperative activity may not become members.
Admission as a member shall be made by means of a proposal submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, signed by two members and by the proposed one, and shall be resolved at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors within thirty days, the interested party being informed of the decision in writing. Refusal of admission can be appealed to the General Assembly, to be filed within fifteen days from the date of the communication, and is reviewed by the General Assembly at the first following meeting.
The resolution of the General Assembly regarding admission appeals is sovereign and of immediate application. The rights and obligations of the members are not automatically transferable to the heirs.
O não cumprimento por parte do cooperador das obrigações assumidas não os dispensa do pagamento da percentagem dos encargos fixos e das despesas gerias que eram correspondentes á atividade normal a que se vinculou no ato da admissão. Failure by the member to comply with the obligations assumed shall not exempt them from payment of the percentage of fixed costs and of the general expenses corresponding to the normal activity to which they were bound at the time of admission. Members may request the resignation by means of a letter addressed to the Board of Directors at the end of each fiscal year, with thirty days notice and without prejudice to the fulfilment of their obligations as a member of the Cooperative. The General Assembly may set constraints, however, if accepted, the value of the capital equity paid will be refunded within five years, plus interest due in relation to the last fiscal year, plus the share of the surplus and non-compulsory reserves in proportion to their participation, or reduced, where appropriate, in proportion to the losses accrued in the balance sheet for the year in which the right to reimbursement arose.
Members who seriously and culpably violate the duties provided for in the statutes may be excluded. Infractions that do not entail exclusion can be punished by the Board of Directors with a written reprimand, fine and temporary suspension of duties for a given period.
The Statutes are available at CAOVA's headquarters for all members and can be requested there.